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Preventing the USA’s Fall by Reaffirming Covenant that the USA Serves the Lord

In the riveting books “Save America” and “Jesus Makes America Great,” Steven Andrew explains God’s step-by-step plan to restore God’s protection and end God’s judgment on the nation. Andrew leads America Is on the Lord’s Side, with top Christians and pastors across the nation.

We Are in a National Emergency

Millions of people’s lives and families are at stake, from a possible nuclear war and financial collapse, terrorism and the political swamp of bad politicians that hate America. “The Bible teaches these troubles are the consequences of our national sins in God’s judgment,” Andrew said. In “Save America” and “Jesus Makes America Great,” he provides the Biblical answer that ends God’s judgment.

“God blesses obedience and judges disobedience,” said Andrew.

“God is holy. In God’s righteousness and justice, the nation has seen judgment for false gods, homosexuality, abortion, the occult and other sins,” he explained. Israel was “carried… captive to Assyria” for their disobedience for these same sins (2 Kings 15:29 KJV). We know “the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities…” (Genesis 19:24 KJV).

“We are in a national emergency situation, because sin is the greatest danger to the USA,” Andrew said. The Bible says, “when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it” (Ezekiel 13:14 KJV).

Join America is on the Lord’s Side

7 Bible Truths End God’s Judgment

However, God gives us a way out explained Andrew. “The good news is our founding fathers dedicated the USA to God, and God mercifully remembers our nation’s covenant.”

“The only way for us to save the country and to end all our troubles is to re-affirm our covenant that the USA serves the Lord,” he continued.

There are 7 Bible Truths for you to agree with and they make the USA great again (2 Chronicles 15 and 34, Mark 12:30). Readers discover the details in “Save America” and “Jesus Makes America Great”.

Andrew calls the nation to humble ourselves and turn to God by following these 7 Bible Truths. He asks:

Will you agree in covenant that:

1. Americans serve the LORD, not false gods.

2. Americans seek God with all our heart and soul.

3. Americans obey the Holy Bible.

4. Americans have no king but King Jesus.

5. Americans make disciples of the USA.

6. Americans turn away from everything against Jesus Christ.

7. Americans restore the Cross and receive forgiveness for the USA’s sins.

Andrew says, “always remember God is holy. He is to be honored by each of us and the USA.”

Save Lives. Become a $10, $30 or $100 a Month Partner

To save the USA, Andrew asks you to join with other faithful Americans and:

Help the Nation Reaffirm Covenant. Donate Today!

Together, we must reach millions of people to turn to God. If you want to make a difference, then become a monthly partner or give a generous one time gift today. Nothing but the USA reaffirming covenant will bring God’s protection to you and your loved ones for the nation. The situation is urgent. Please help today. Lives are at stake!


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