Steven Andrew is raising up three godly generations of Americans to truly make the USA great again. This includes reaffirming covenant that the USA serves the Lord, discipling the nation, equipping churches and building a prayer center and leading 1000 pastors to pastor the USA. Some ministries need funding to start.
“As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.” Isaiah 59:21
Three Godly Generations of Americans.
Following 2 Chronicles 7:14, Steven Andrew ministers through nationwide campaigns, sermons and training of pastors to lead the nation to repentance. Lives are changed and people become strong in Christ with these outreaches. Your prayers and support help the nation follow Jesus Christ. This protects you and your loved ones.
Re-affirm Covenant: The USA Serves the Lord.
The greatest work of God we can do is for three generations of the USA to serve the Lord. Steven Andrew reaches millions of people in nationwide outreaches teaching 7 Bible Truths of covenant. These are: Americans: serve the Lord only, seek God daily, obey the Holy Bible, make disciples of the USA, turn away from people promoting sin, and restore the cross and receive forgiveness for the USA’s sins by Jesus’ blood.
Disciple the Nation.
The Bible teaches God’s will is for the whole nation to follow Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, Andrew:
- Leads the American Christian Teachers (ACT)
- Fills the USA with the Word of God.
- Calls for daily Bible reading and Christian prayer to be in schools again.
- Works for a covenant Christian nation government from school boards to Federal Representatives.
- Demands the USA has traditional marriage only.
- Insists the USA is a Pro-life nation.
- Leads daily prayer for government.
- Disciples young people with youth outreaches.
A Prayer Center to Care for People
To help individuals and families in times of need, Andrew is building a faith-filled Prayer Center. Our vision is for a 24 hour call in prayer center.
Equip Churches
Andrew provides tools and resources to equip pastors and strengthen churches.
1000 Pastors to Pastor the USA
To raise up a godly nation, Andrew works with leading ministers to teach the 7 Bible Truths of covenant. God gave Andrew the vision to team up with the top 100 nationally known pastors and top 900 local pastors to pastor the nation, as soon as possible.
Please pray for three generations to know God in covenant and for these important ministry outreaches.
If our mission of turning the nation to God to heal our land is important to you, then consider giving a generous donation today! We need to raise $400,000 for important upcoming nationwide outreaches.To give by mail click here.
Thank you for your most generous support to the Lord.
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* All gifts of $20 or more receive a mailed thank you gift.