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“We need bold pastors who are faithful to God and teach the Bible in every pulpit,” said Steven Andrew. “I call pastors to stand up for Jesus Christ and not to compromise,” Andrew said. Andrew is pastor of USA Christian Chruch and has reached 80 million people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To follow Andrew join America Is on the Lord’s Side email.

“Christians are disappointed that Alistair Begg compromised and advised to attend a transgender homosexual event that God says are ‘rebrobate’, and ‘abomination’,” Andrew said. “People who know the Bible know in Jude 7 and 2 Peter 2:6 God promises to destroy homosexual societies. History affirms this,” Andrew said. “Has Begg read Romans 1:22-30, Leviticus 18:22, Deuteronomy 22:5, and Genesis 13:13 that forbid this sin?” Jesus divided those who follow God and those who don’t. What concerns Christians is Begg said, “I suggest that you do go to the [homosexual transgender] ceremony. And I suggest that you buy them a gift” so you are not “judgmental”. However, this is the world’s way of thinking, not Biblical. Jesus said, “Repent”.

“If a family member is disobeying God, Christians should give the Bible verses needed and let the family member know they give an account to God on the Judgment Day. God is holy and will not justify those against Him. Then let the family member know you are praying and fasting for them to be saved, or repent if they are saved,” Andrew said.

“Jesus Christ can forgive the chief of sinners. There is grace to forgive for those who turn to God through Jesus Christ,” Andrew said.

Andrew prayed that Begg would repent and that Christians would be faithful to God. “Father, You are holy. You, Lord, are the God of the USA and Americans obey the Bible. We ask for Alistair Begg to have godly sorrow about disobeying You and publicly repent. We ask for Christians to be strong and to faithfully follow You not man. We ask for the strongest church ever with Christians committed to You who read the Bible morning and evening, and stand up for righteouosness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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