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Steven Andrew is on a mission from God to raise up three godly generations of Americans to save the USA. He has reached over 80 million people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with 1.3 million salvations and rededications to God. Andrew is uniting the USA in Christ. He teaches we are to love God as our Christian founders, who made the USA’s #1 priority be Christian religious liberty. This is the way to have protection, strength, freedom and abundance, for “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Psalm 33:12).
Andrew is focused on pastoring the nation to reaffirm covenant that the USA serves the Lord, with pastors nationwide.
Across the country, people are turning to God in revival as they hear Andrew share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He leads America Is on the LORD’s Side.
To end God’s judgment, which is seen by the political swamp that hates America, spoiling of wealth and dangerous people crossing the borders, Andrew calls for national repentance of false gods, homosexuality, abortion, the occult and all other sin. Many of God’s judgments on the USA are already lessening because of this work to reaffirm covenant. We now see the economy improving and hope being restored. But there is much more ministry work for us to do for the country to be fully restored with God’s favor.
Andrew leads the American Christian Denomination (ACD). This is made up of Christians of all denominations who believe like our founding fathers. This is important, because if we don’t join together there will be no USA. In 1607 the Jamestown Settlers covenanted America to God “to all generations,” with the Pilgrims following. As Americans we believe in liberty, which the Bible says is for each person and denomination to follow Jesus Christ based on their understanding of the Word of God – obeying our conscience knowing that we give an account of our life to God on the Judgment Day. You remain in your denomination and local church, when you join the American Christian Denomination. To unite our Christian nation, believers and churches are invited to participate as Andrew unites the USA in Christ.
As a respected Christian leader known for teaching the Word of God, Steven Andrew is the author of inspirational books, including:
- Jesus Makes America Great – God’s Way to Be Safe, Strong and Prosperous
- Save America – Protect Yourself and Loved Ones from God’s Judgment on National Sin
Christians of all denominations are invited to officially join the American Christian Denomination.
Andrew has answered God’s call to save the USA. He is building 25 ministries to disciple the nation and leads the American Christian Teachers (ACT) to train Christians to share the Gospel. To launch the first phase of this historic nationwide revival, $5.7 million must be raised. He is looking for select Christians to join this mission to save the USA and become ministry partners.
After God revealed to Andrew the key to heal our land is to do what our Christian founding fathers did who made our covenant Christian nation, Steven Andrew is known as “the pastor saving the USA” and “the pastor who believes like our founding founders”.
Andrew answers today’s most perplexing challenges with Biblical wisdom. He helps people know God better and live as strong Christians.
Ministry Highlights
Andrew loves the USA and has a compassionate, God-given care for every American. Key ministry highlights are:
- Shared the Gospel with over 80 million people
- Leading America Is on the Lord’s side
- Discipling the USA and leading the group American Christian Teachers (ACT)
- Saving souls, with over 1.3 million prayer of salvations and rededications to God, all glory to God!
- The #1 Christian leader calling for a Christian government, as the Bible teaches
- Strengthening marriages and families in Christ
- Healing our land by leading 40 days of national repentance
- Led 40 days of prayer for three generations of the USA to love God
- Developed the step-by-step action plan to end the persecution of Christians
- Teaching the only Biblical solution to protect loved ones from terrorism and other dangers
- Believes like our Christian founding fathers
- Leading nation-wide prayer and fasting on Wednesdays (Psalm 33:12, 2 Chronicles 7:14)
- Leader in National Day of Prayer and 4th of July nation-wide prayer events
- Upcoming “One Nation Under God” TV Show Nation-wide Launch
- Daily USA Prayer Email
Andrew has great hope for the USA, because when we realize that sin is the real problem we face, then we can reaffirm covenant that the USA serves the Lord. Following God as a nation is how we restore His blessings of liberty, better jobs, national security and peace.
Here are some Rev. Steven Andrew news articles and interviews:
> Charisma > USA NEWS FIRST > Elijah List > Fox News Radio
Your Prayer and Support Will Save the USA
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